A Spirited Celebration: Cocktails for Christmas and Hanukkah

Eat, drink, and be merry: that’s the motto of the holiday season. Christmas and Hanukkah may be two very different holidays, but they both have one common denominator — celebration! Holidays are occasions for fun and observance, and alcohol plays a big role in the festivities. So, whether you guzzle down the Manischewitz Wine or sip the ole’ Eggnog, we’re here to show you how to booze up the holidays right with these cocktails for Christmas and Hanukkah!

Cocktails for Christmas and Hanukkah

Cocktails and Christmas

Eggnog, mulled wine, champagne punch– There are many ways to get into the holiday spirit, particularly when it’s 90 proof and you pour it over ice.

It’s not shocking that alcohol intake increases during the Christmas season. Partly, this is due to the celebration mentality that leads up to the New Year. Companies throw office parties. Families come together over delicious feasts, and old friends return to visit. The streets are lit with wondrous lights and your favorite stores are filled with a frenzy of excitement for everyone. With so much to buy or eat, Christmas has made its mark around the globe as a fan favorite.

But this time period also comes with many stressors. Mingling at parties can cause anxiety. Relatives drive us crazy. Old friends lure us out to old haunts. Some of us have no family or friends to share in the holiday cheer. Those brightly lit shop windows forcing us to buy, buy, buy. 

It shouldn’t come as a shock to anyone that for many, a drink or two can be as much about celebrating the holidays, as it can be a celebration of surviving the stress the holidays bring with them. A well-poured beverage acts as a way to combat the impact that holidays have on our brains and bank accounts. 

Whether you imbibe in the giggle juice or not, one thing cannot be denied: alcohol and the holidays go together like tinsel and static cling — you can’t have one without the other.

Cocktails for Christmas and Hanukkah: Mulled Wine with a cinnamon stick, orange peel and cloves

Cocktails and Hanukkah

Hanukkah is correlated with lighting the menorah, giving a gift on each of the eight nights, scarfing down latkes, and spinning the dreidel – it’s not usually considered a huge drinking holiday. But honestly, has that ever stopped us before?

One of the biggest issues we’ve found with drinking is that many Jewish folks keep a kosher lifestyle. and the way their food is prepared. Unfortunately, not all wines and beers fit within the kosher guidelines, so finding some decent drinks can be tough. 

Luckily, kosher beer can actually be relatively easy to find. Make sure you find an unflavored beer, free of any additives, and you’ll have found something that could be considered kosher even without a certification.  

According to kosher law, wine is significantly trickier to make kosher, but not impossible. To play it safe stick to bottles that are certified kosher. Staying kosher is detail-oriented, requiring reassurances that even the plants used are kosher.  

But when it comes to wine, the juice is always worth the squeeze. There are some options for Kosher wines to make your eight crazy nights even crazier. And, who knows, maybe that dreidel game could become a drinking game.

3 Christmas Cocktails with a pineapple garnish. Faded Christmas Tree in the background

The do’s and don’ts for sending alcohol during Christmas and Hanukkah


Considering the amount of potentially bad choices, gifting alcohol can sometimes be a tricky task. That’s because alcohol is a wholly personal endeavor. When you factor in the combination of history, culture, and subjective personal preference, it feels downright impossible. But, before you go reaching for that Lady Bic shaving kit or scented candle, remind yourself that alcohol is meant to be fun and, if you remember these few little rules, sending the hooch can be as easy as one tequila, two tequila, three tequila, floor

The liquor store can be an overwhelming place, but one of the most tried-and-true ways to be sure you’re making the right choice is to go seasonal. Beers and Wines are a staple in the holiday season, and we offer a ton of different holiday options to suit your needs.  They’re made to feel nostalgic, and pair with seasonal dishes and spices! When in doubt, ask for recommendations!

When it comes to price, you don’t have to shoot for the most expensive bottle in the store. Bargain to mid-range-priced alcohol is usually fine. After all, it’s the thought that counts, not the dollar amount. This leads me to my next point: always avoid ordinary items if possible as they can suggest a lack of thoughtfulness. 

Gift bags, wrapped boxes, or baskets are all good options for presenting alcohol as gifts during the holidays, but remember to honor the holiday you’re observing. Steer clear of red and green for Hanukkah and make sure your Christmas gift bag isn’t festooned in dreidels.  

Finally, when gifting alcohol, the main thing to keep in mind is the message you want to send with your gift. But don’t stress. Always remember, gift-giving is meant to be enjoyed, and when it comes from the heart, it’s a gift your recipient is sure to love!

Cocktails for Christmas and Hanukkah: Delicious Cocktail with Fruit and Mint Garnish around it

Our favorite holiday cocktails 


Holiday drinks are more than just eggnog! Here at DrinkableGifts.com, we all have our own favorite holiday classics.

  • Santa Clausmopolitan – Content Creator, Shannon Youngblood’s favorite holiday cocktail
    • This fresh, tart cocktail is the perfect way to unwind from the holiday stress. It combines vodka, cranberry juice, triple sec, fresh lime juice, and cranberries for a refreshing holiday experience. 
  • Mulled Wine – Marketing Project Manager, Sempronia Hobgood’s favorite holiday cocktail
    • Mulled wine is a classic warm drink that is perfect for the Christmas season. First, take dry red wine and slowly heat with orange peels, star anise, cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon to warm your insides on a cold winter’s night.
  • Irish Coffee – Blog Writer, Toni T.’s favorite holiday cocktail
    • If you’re looking for a classic coffee drink, Irish coffee is one. It is the perfect combination of sweetened coffee, Irish whiskey, and (of course) whipped cream. It’s my favorite because of it’s cozy warmth, and delicious apéritif.


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