Mulled Wine: A History
The divine creation of mulled wine is a prime example of the phrase ‘waste not, want not’. For even the most ancient of civilizations knew that wine was too good a drink to squander. And, for those who prefer a little booze in their winter beverage, historical wine makers certainly had you in mind when they vinified this delightful drink.
But, of course, there is more to this wine-making story than connoisseurs wanting to please the likes of, well, us. And, although the history of mulled wine is pretty much another ‘the Romans copied the Greeks copied the Romans’ – extravaganza, the tale is still worth telling. Read below and find out more about history of mulled wine, why it makes grandad a little more jolly at Christmas dinner, and how you can make your own this holiday season.

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Alex is a hopeless romantic who was supposed to be born in Italy (her dream destination), but proud to be South African nonetheless. She lives by her heart, and, consequentially, leaves a little bit of herself in everything she writes. She wholeheartedly believes that mermaids (and fairies) exist and is deadly afraid of the age ’30’.