Halloween Drinking or The Spirits of Halloween: Ghosts AND Liquor

Headstones, skeletons, and ghosts OH MY! Should I even mention Halloween drinking with its spooky cocktails and treats?
Halloween is my favorite time of year! As soon as the calendar turns from September to October, I start rolling out the gory fun. First, come the graves, then the ghouls. I even have a BBQ grill set up with sizzling bloody body parts and a skeleton feast all laid out on my front lawn. And, if you’re brave enough to get through that mess, en route to my front door is a shriek-tastic array of motion-censored animatronic characters that jump, scream, and BOO as you pass through the fog and flashing lights.
In fact, I love Halloween so much that up until recently, I had a gothic Halloween-themed bathroom! No joke, I love all things macabre, but this article isn’t about me and my morbid display of the dead, this is about the holiday itself and the festivities that come with it! So join me on a haunted hayride through the history of Halloween and I’ll tell you all about what really happens behind the mask.
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Toni T. is a writer, mother, amateur makeup artist, and coffee addict — not necessarily in that order! A lover of all things vintage, she’s an encyclopedia of useless 80’s trivia and adores a bold red lip. She is a second-generation Greek American with dreams of traveling abroad to see the land on which her ancestors walked but, for now, she resides in the ‘burbs of New Jersey with her husband and children.