The Perfect Love Potion: Cocktail Tips
Sometimes made with Peach Schnapps, other times with Raspberry Vodka, one thing remains true: the Love Potion Cocktail is a delicious, fruity drink that is all-around fun. Served in a martini glass, this delightful pink concoction has taken the world by storm. But what exactly is it? Read below to learn how to make your own Love Potion Cocktail and see if it’s as magical as they say.

The Perfect Love Potion: Cocktail TipsRead More »
Toni T. is a writer, mother, amateur makeup artist, and coffee addict — not necessarily in that order! A lover of all things vintage, she’s an encyclopedia of useless 80’s trivia and adores a bold red lip. She is a second-generation Greek American with dreams of traveling abroad to see the land on which her ancestors walked but, for now, she resides in the ‘burbs of New Jersey with her husband and children.