DrinkableGifts Blog


Christmas Cheers: Traditional Christmas Drinks in 10 Countries

It’s fair to say that, thanks to the commercialization of this Christian-based holiday, traditional Christmas drinks now carry a hint of sophistication. But, what if we told you that not too many moons ago, Christmas wasn’t the conservative, family-oriented holiday you know today? What if, instead, it began as a series of wild, uninhibited, and alcohol-fueled parties that consisted of dancing and excessive drinking? 

Well, whether you object to this holiday’s controversial beginnings or not, one thing is certain; our modern Christmas wouldn’t be the celebration we know today without alcohol. And, as history would have it, traditional Christmas drinks now form part of holiday culture all over the world! Of course, the ‘scandalous’ party element has long since taken a back seat. And, for now, family and friends gather to feast and sip on their favorite holiday concoctions. Keep reading to find out more about Christmas drinks in different countries and how you can make the holidays special with drinks! 

traditional christmas drinks with gingerbread cookies and christmas decorations.

Mulled Wine: A History

The divine creation of mulled wine is a prime example of the phrase ‘waste not, want not’. For even the most ancient of civilizations knew that wine was too good a drink to squander. And, for those who prefer a little booze in their winter beverage, historical wine makers certainly had you in mind when they vinified this delightful drink. 

But, of course, there is more to this wine-making story than connoisseurs wanting to please the likes of, well, us. And, although the history of mulled wine is pretty much another ‘the Romans copied the Greeks copied the Romans’ – extravaganza, the tale is still worth telling. Read below and find out more about history of mulled wine, why it makes grandad a little more jolly at Christmas dinner, and how you can make your own this holiday season.

History of Mulled Wine: glass being poured with red wine

A Spirited Celebration: Cocktails for Christmas and Hanukkah

Eat, drink, and be merry: that’s the motto of the holiday season. Christmas and Hanukkah may be two very different holidays, but they both have one common denominator — celebration! Holidays are occasions for fun and observance, and alcohol plays a big role in the festivities. So, whether you guzzle down the Manischewitz Wine or sip the ole’ Eggnog, we’re here to show you how to booze up the holidays right with these cocktails for Christmas and Hanukkah!

Cocktails for Christmas and Hanukkah